134 research outputs found

    MH17 Tragedy: A Comparative Analysis of Cold War and Post-Cold War Media Framing of Aviation Disasters

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    This research builds on similar studies that examined newspaper coverage of airline disasters during the Cold War in the 1980s. It explores new Cold War frames in The New York Times and The Moscow Times coverage of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, which was shot down over Ukraine in 2014. The research reveals an absence of hostile Cold War assertions, but found frames were consistent with the respective U.S. and Russian diplomatic positions


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    Kata kunci: campur kode, tuturan siswa-siswi di lingkungan madrasah aliyah negeri (MAN) 1 Jembrana Negare BaliPemilihan judul “Wujud Peristiwa Campur Kode Tuturan Siswa-siswi Di Lingkungan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Jembrana Negare Bali” dilatarbelakangi oleh potensi sebuah kampung Melayu yang terdapat di pulau Bali terdapat beraneka ragam ras dan agama yang bermukim disana. Akan tetapi masyarakat muslim di sebuah kampung tersebut lebih mendominasi, serta memiliki keunikan dalam gaya berbicaranya dibandingkan dengan masyaraakat lainya yang berada di pulau Bali. Sehingga hal tersebut memunculkan fenomena kebahasaan yakni campur kode. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah yaitu, (1) Bagaimana wujud campur kode tuturan siswa pada saat berinteraksi dalam berkomunikasi di lingkungan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 1) JEMBRANA, Bali?, (2) Faktor apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya peristia campur kode pada lingkungan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 1) JEMBRANA, Bali? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang digunakan ialah tuturan seorang siswa yang mengandung unsur campur kode dalam aktivitas dilingkungan sekolah MAN 1 Jembrana, Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode simak dan catat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat mendeskripsikan beberapa hal sebagai berikut, (1) bentuk campur kode dalam tuturan siswa yang terdapat di lembaga MAN 1 Jembrana Bali meliputi, penyisipan unsur berwujud kata, penyisipan yang berbentuk frasa, penyisipan unsur berbentuk baster, penyisipan unsur berbentuk perulangan kata, penyisipan unsur berbentuk idiom dan penyisipan unsur yang berbentuk klausa. Peristiwa campur kode ini terjadi ketika siswa MAN 1 Jembrana melakukan percakapan, baik itu diwilayah kantin sekolah, di dalam kelas, di lapangan sekolah, dikntin, bahkan ketika berbicara dengan guru para siswa tidak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ketika berdiskusi. Akan tetapi hal tersebut dilakukan ketika diluar jam pelajaran tidak pada saat pelajaran berlangsung. Semua penyebab tersebut dapat mereka lakukan secara sengaja dan tidak sengaja, (2) faktor penyebab terjadinya peristiwa campur kode yang dilakukan oleh siswa MAN 1 Jembrana Bali karena terdapat beberapa karakter yang dimiliki oleh penutur ataupun mitra tuturnya, seperti latar sosial dan lain sebagainya yang biasa memengaruhi terjadinya peristiwa tersebut

    Analisis Kovariat bagi Data Kemortalan Bayi

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    This paper analyses the effect of various covariates on infant mortality. It uses the method for the analysis of grouped life-time in competing risks. With this approach, advantage is taken of the probability of an individual with a particular covariate failing in an interval to consolidate the significance of that covariate model

    Diagnostik Pengaruh bagi Model Risiko Bersaingan dengan Tapisan Sebagai Satu Risiko

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    Met-hods of detecting in fluential obseroations for competing risks model with censoring as one of the risk in a two-risks model are proposed. These methods include deletion of obseroations, one·step deletion, Cook distance and likelihood distance. Emphasis is on assessing the impact of an obseroation on the parameter estimation. Two sets of data are used to illusrate these techniques

    Penggunaan Metode Weighted Product Untuk Seleksi Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa

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    Making the right decision is very important in a management, wrong decision making can be fatal for both companies and individuals Through the Education Office the government seeks to allocate funds to provide scholarships to students who are economically unable to finance their education and provide scholarships to students who have achievements. In order for the implementation of scholarships to be achieved, it must be in accordance with the principle of 3T, namely On target, Right amount and On time. The provision of tuition fee assistance in the form of scholarships is also given to students in universities. Scholarships are given to students who excel and are underprivileged. The selection of scholarship recipients so far is not maximal because of the assessment that seems to favor one student so that students who really deserve it become unable to get. In this research using Weighted Products method to conduct the assessment process and the process implemented into a system, it is expected that with the system of decision-makers can choose students who really deserve. The results showed that Mahasiswa 4 was selected as a scholarship student with a score of 0.23

    Confidence Intervals for Parallel Systems with Covariates

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    Exact confidence intervals for regression models with censored data are often not tractable, and hence approximate intervals are derived. The most common method of obtaining these approximate intervals is based on the asymptotic normal distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator. These intervals are easy to compute and they are used in most computer statistical packages. However, these intervals have some limitations. When the sample size is small or even moderate they tend to be anticonservative and have asymmetric upper and lower tail probabilities. An alternative method based on the asymptotics of the maximum likelihood estimator is to construct intervals from the inverted likelihood ratio tests. The performance of these intervals is investigated for the regression models based on parallel systems with covariates, and with randomly right censored data for finite samples. The simulation results show that the intervals based on the inverted likelihood ratio test have better performance. They have coverage probability that is close to the nominal one, and have nearly symmetric upper and lowel tail probabilities

    Semiparametric estimation with profile algorithm for longitudinal binary data

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    This article considers analyzing longitudinal binary data semiparametrically and proposing GEE-Smoothing spline in the estimation of parametric and nonparametric components. The method is an extension of the parametric generalized estimating equation to semiparametric. The nonparametric component is estimated by smoothing spline approach, i.e., natural cubic spline. We use profile algorithm in the estimation of both parametric and nonparametric components. Properties of the estimators are evaluated by simulation

    A proportional hazard model to figure out Asian countries' food insecurity

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    A statistical approach is employed to examine the affects of covariates on food insecurity among Asian countries in the period of 40 years since 1961. We conduct a statistical technique based on information aspects of each country on human resources, environment and sustainability, land use and land resource, agricultural resource and capacity, water and sanitation, and macroeconomic indicators. We found that 22 of 32 (65.72%) countries experience insecurity food condition. The remaining are censored observations (34.38%). Stepwise Cox’s regression model is used to select among the 24 independent covariates that are deemed to be significant contribution to the model. Based on the adopted model, at each time point, the West Asian region are found to be more likely to have insecurity food condition compared to those countries in the other regions. Furthermore, the occurrences of food insecurity for East Asia countries are more likely than for those in the other region. Meanwhile, it can also be seen that countries in Lower-middle income group are more likely to reach insecurity food condition than those in the other group. The analysis also shows that the high income countries have high risk of exposure to insecurity food condition

    Simulation on group deleted potentials for diagnostics of survival regression

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    The identification of multiple high leverage points (HLP) cannot be successfully carried out by using a method developed for handling single HLP. The situation gets worse when it concerns Weibull distributed censored response data. The authors proposed method for identifying multiple HLPs. The proposed method is developed based on the similar problem for handling multiple HLPs in multiple linear regression setting. Simulation study is conducted for assessing its performance across a wide range of scenarios. It is be found that the proposed method has good capability to identify multiple HLPs. As a general rule, the proposed method performs better in higher covariate space dimension, larger number of outlying regressor variables, larger outlying leverage distance, larger magnitude of unusualness in response-space, larger number of multiple points clouds and higher percentage of censoring